The internet can be a very bad place. You could end up in the wrong section of the internet and be scarred for life. Sometimes, though, the internet can be a great place and restore your faith in humanity. It's really a coin toss. With everything going on lately it's real easy to find the bad stuff, but sometimes, you stumble upon something so great that it warms your little, cold dead heart; which is exactly how I felt when I stumbled upon this great clip on YouTube.

If you're confused, let me explain. At this particular point of Endgame, Captain America is feeling defeated by Thanos, but stands up nonetheless to continue the fight. Suddenly, all the dusted heroes from Infinity War mark their triumphant return through all the portals you see in the clip.

The music used in the clip is the power ballad "Holding out for a Hero"  originally sung by Bonnie Tyler, but in this version it's sung by the Fairy Godmother from "Shrek 2." The Fairy Godmother sings the song at the royal ball in an effort to get Fiona to fall in love with (spoiler!) her son, Prince Charming! It's then that Shrek (in human form!), Donkey (as a noble steed) and Puss, who are all trapped in a dungeon, are rescued by their fairy tale friends. It's an iconic scene really.

Okay, but why does it go perfectly? Even the giant sized Gingerbread Man and giant Ant-Man are perfect for this scene. In a time where it feels like we're living in the
"Endgame" and that we're all "holding out for a hero" it's nice to distract with some humor.

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