Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Well, the El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank would like to help you out with that!

Dating is hard, and I don't know about anywhere else, but it somehow feels harder to date here in El Paso!  But if you're looking for a Valentine's date, and also looking to do some good and help out your community, well you're in luck!

Located at 9541 Plaza Cir., the El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank will be hosting a singles mixer on Saturday, February 10th.

You can register for the singles mixer here.

As you can see, it will be divided up into two different sessions: one from 8 AM to 12 PM (for those who are early birds). And another session from 12 PM to 4 PM. Lunch will be provided- which is a big plus; not to mention that finding someone who likes to volunteer is a major GREEN FLAG! You'll get to meet like-minded people- and possibly meet your Valentine!

El Pasoans fighting hunger food bank singles mixer
Freestocks via Unsplash

The El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank is always in need of volunteers; and they actually have plenty of other volunteering opportunities that you can sign up for- which you can check out here. If you're able to, consider volunteering at the food bank, not only will you be helping out the food bank, but you'll also make a major impact on your community and those who are food insecure.

The singles mixer sounds like a great way to do two things at once; make a major impact on your community as well as make a connection!

25 Small Local Businesses That El Paso Loves to Support

We've certainly seen the love be felt for small businesses in El Paso. While we can't post the literal HUNDREDS of suggestions we got online, we WILL post 25 of them here for you to enjoy.

Gallery Credit: Daniel Paulus


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