El Paso Rhinos Work Hard on the Ice and in the Community
If you haven't gone to an El Paso Rhino's hockey game, I highly recommend you do so! They have five more home games, which are held at El Paso County Events Center right behind the Coliseum, and they are a ton of fun! It's a fun night out for the whole family and they have a bunch of promotions during their games that you don't want to miss out on.
The Rhino's, who are the 2018 Thorne Cup Champions, are not only working it hard on the ice but working it hard for the community. The Rhino's are great with connecting with their fans, they had their "Paint the Ice" event which was a success. For Dr. Seuss Week they stopped by Thomas Manor Elementary School to read to students. On Monday, the Rhino's made a special visit to the Hospitals of Providence Children's Hospital to meet with patients and make their day just a little more brighter.
Y'all, this brought a little tear to my eye and warmed my little, cold heart. There's a reason why they were the grand marshal at our Halloween parade! Not only are they visiting children in the hospital, on Saturday, March 9, they'll be having their ninth annual head shaving event! Together with the St. Baldrick's Foundation, you can bid to shave a Rhino players head to help raise funds for childhood cancer research.
As if that weren't heart warming enough, on March 22 they'll be having their eleventh annual teddy bear toss. The Rhinos invite you to bring stuffed animals to their first game of the playoffs and toss them into the rink after their first goal. All stuffed animals collected will be donated to children in crisis.
So grab a jacket, grab a friend and grab a teddy bear and go out and support the El Paso Rhinos!
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