El Paso Property Taxes Going Up?
Somebody has to pay for all this new stuff we're getting.
El Paso county property taxes could go up as much as 11% next year according to the El Paso Times. Wallace Hardgrove, executive director of the Budget and Fiscal Policy Department, predicted:
an increase of about 11 percent over the previous year. The proposed increase is due in part to higher retirement contribution rates, cost of living and collective bargaining pay raises, possible increases to staff in the offices of the county attorney, district attorney and public defender. - EP Times
Hardgrove also said the budget may include investments in the countys'
- new economic development department
- criminal justice coordination
- county parks improvements
- capitol expenses to replace and maintain equipment and buildings.
- pod expansions at the jail annex.
The city initially wanted to raise taxes 8%. Any amount over that could force a "rollback" election that leaves the decision up to voters.