EL Paso Has Some Creative Artists That Displayed Their Work All Over The Sun City
If you're into checking out art around EL Paso that's free of charge, this video shows you a display of bright abstract murals. If It weren't for Michael Castro, I would not have known about some of the murals that are featured on this film.
There are a lot of people who enjoy taking pictures with huge murals as their background. Then there are some that prefer to just sit and admire the work it took to create the image. Either way this video shows EL Paso's historic areas that are well known by any EL Pasoan. One place that I always remembered since a child was the Sunset Grocery that is featured one minute into the video. Most of the murals seem to be located downtown but Michael does not hold back from cruising by other areas.
If you're into murals especially graffiti, this video will not disappoint you!