Doing These 5 Common Things Can Make Sleep Way More Difficult
Sleep is a good thing. I don't know of too many people who don't enjoy some good rest. Physically and mentally you need that time to recharge. They say 7 to 9 hours is most recommended for an adult sleeping cycle. I know for me, anything under 6 hours and I definitely feel drained the next day. It's important to stay fresh and well-rested, however, for some, it's a challenge.
I found a blog on the website Pucklars that claims there are things we do every day, especially before bedtime, that can greatly impact the quality of our sleep. These make sense. I'm guilty of doing a couple myself. If your sleep is not what it used to be, look ahead, these things could be at fault.
Using Your Cell Phone
I know several who are guilty of this one. Scrolling through Instagram and Facebook just before you sleep will only affect your REM sleep cycle. Studies say that the using of electronic devices before bed is one of the biggest culprits in poor sleep.
Having Coffee
I absolutely love coffee so this is a hard one for me. Most people start their day with a cup, while others like me continue to drink it all day. My doctor told me it's best not to have it after about 3 pm.
Fighting or Having a Heated Discussion
Generally, nobody likes fighting or arguing at any time. Especially before bed, these can be brutal on your sleep.
Eating a Big Meal
I love great food, but I'm cautious when eating large amounts. It can wreak havoc on your sleep. Nobody likes going to bed feeling bloated. It will surely keep you up at night.
You've got to be careful with this one. I know many relax with a good smoke before bed. However, nicotine is a stimulant. Smoking one before bed could have the opposite effect than the one you're looking for.
Sleeping is something that is not only needed but should be enjoyed to the fullest. Why make things more difficult? Just use the tips above and hopefully, you'll be snoozing in no time.
Sometimes a change of scenery can help with getting some good relaxing rest. Texas has some pretty cool Airbnbs where you can do exactly that. You owe it to yourself to at least check out the below locations.