Everyone knows you can call 911 for emergency services, but here in El Paso, did you know you can text 911 for help too? Sometimes when you're faced with an emergency, getting on the phone to talk with 911 can be hard to do. Or you may not be able to talk at all. In these situations, it would be nice if you could text 911 instead of having to call them on the phone.

This morning during the show, the morning show crew were talking about emergency services and if people in the El Paso area would be able to text 911 instead of calling. After our discussion, we found out that people in El Paso are able to use the El Paso County 911  system through their text to 911 for emergency services. This service is offered for those who are unable to call, are hard-of-hearing, deaf, speech impaired and other valid reasons.

Here's how you can use the Text to 9-1-1 service:

  • Enter 911 in the "To" field
  • Type the location of your emergency and what your emergency is
  • Send your message
  • Answer any questions received from the 911 number and follow their instructions

For more information please visit their Frequently Asked Questions page.


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