Conan O’Brien Called It — Creepy Matt Lauer in 2014!
Here are some of the things we've learned about the Matt Lauer scandal in the past week.
Some of the allegations include:
- That he gave a sex toy as a gift to a woman that he worked with.
- That he exposed himself to another woman and then reprimanded her when she refused his advances.
- That he would ask female producers to play "Eff, Marry, Kill". (Full disclosure on this one: we've played Eff, Marry, Kill with our female co-workers. But we did it on the air, not off. )
- There's the report that he had a secret button under his desk that he could press to lock the door to his office. How does the conversation go to even have something like that installed??
MATT: "Hey, I'd like a button under my desk like Mr. Burns but instead of a trap door I want it to lock my door so my victims can't escape."
NBC: "Consider it done!"
Also, some of the allegations come from 2014 when Matt was in Russia covering the Winter Olympics.
And this brings us to Conan O'Brien and his possible clairvoyance. Conan was doing a segment called "Creepy Matt Lauer" three and a half years ago! Check it out.