Cohen Stadium To Be Demolished?
That's one option being considered in an effort to bring new business, visitors, etc to Northeast El Paso.
"That place used to be a destination point for our community. It was a place where our community came together. It has just fallen into ruin and it's just heartbreaking. It's an eyesore, that's what it is. It breaks my heart."
Revitalizing Cohen Stadium was a key component in Morgan's election campaign and a redevelopment plan is in the works. A plan that could lead to Cohen's destruction, Morgan added:
"When I reimagine Cohen, I reimagine it as a destination. Somewhere that not just Northeasterners, but everyone in El Paso would want to come to. You know, something that doesn't exist in our community. Eateries that don't exist here yet, event centers." "Based off the community, we just need something done. Regardless of whether we keep Cohen, or we raze it to the ground, you know, something has to be done."
A community meeting regarding Cohen Stadium's future is scheduled at the El Paso Community College Transmountain Campus, Monday, October 23. It starts at 6pm.