The (under 40) Force wasn't quite so strong with this church so, they had to get creative.

The Life Church in Saginaw County, Michigan, wanted to boost their numbers when it came to members under the age of 40. To draw those new members, they jumped on the Star Wars band wagon.

They gave away Star Wars merchandise, photos with stormtroopers, held "create your own lightsaber" contests and gave away super hard to get Star Wars movie tickets. Reverend Jonathan Herron, a Star wars fan himself, recently held a similar event involving The Hunger Games.

I'm a Reverend myself, (seriously...I am) and, if I ever feel I need to drum up a congregation, I may take a page from this guy's book. Rather than photos, lightsaber craft projects and free movie tickets though, I'll probably go with custom motorcycle shows, live rock bands and photos with Buzz.

If those don't work, there's always free beer!

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