The internet can be a very bad place. You could end up in the wrong section of the internet and be scarred for life. Sometimes, though, the internet can be a great place and restore your faith in humanity. It's really a coin  toss. With everything going on lately it's real easy to find the bad stuff, but sometimes, you stumble upon something so great that it warms your little, cold dead heart; which is exactly how I felt when I stumbled upon this great clip on Twitter, of all places:

If you're confused, let me explain. At this particular point of Endgame, Captain America is feeling defeated by Thanos, but stands up nonetheless to continue the fight. Suddenly, all the dusted heroes from Infinity War mark their triumphant return through all the portals you see in the clip. The clips portrays all the heroes as groups that are united in the fight against racism.

If you're a fan like I am, then you were as eager as I was to see if any our Marvel heroes saw the clip. Well, because my baby daddy Chris Evans is very active on Twitter, it wasn't long before the clip found it's way to him thanks to Yvette Nicole Brown:

To which my future husband responded by:

Evans has been very open with his support of the protests and the Black Lives Matter movement. In the time we're living in right now, it definitely feels like we are in the Endgame, we need Captain America, so it's great to see how supportive Chris Evans is being right now. I love him. Call me, Chris.

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