Buzz Adams Look-a-Like Wanted in Pecos
Some wag on our Facebook chat found a wanted picture that he thinks looks like me. The gentleman that the Reeves County Sheriff’s Department would like to have a word with is Horacio Carrillo Venegas. Mr. Venegas is wanted for a bunch of DWI’s and jumping bail.
Here is a side by side comparison of Horacio and myself so you can decide if we’ve found my doppelgänger.
I’m not sure I see the resemblance here.
The report doesn’t say what Mr. Venegas does for a living but I think it’s pretty safe to assume that he’s a male model or possibly a Chippendale dancer. If the Reeve’s Country Sheriff’s Department would like some leads on where they should be looking I would suggest that they may check the runways of Milan and Paris or possibly show the picture around the offices of GQ Magazine. One thing is for certain: his trail will never go cold while he’s looking this hot!