Valentines Day is upon us and love is in the air. Not everybody in the Borderland is happy about it though.

Valentines Day, the lovers holiday, is all about romance, beautiful gifts, celebrating your love and chocolate.

Some don't care much for it though, feeling it to be a very contrived holiday, invented by card and candy manufacturers to sell their stuff. That's probably true but, it's also a nice way to take a moment and show your love, your love. Life gets hectic and we can all use a reminder now and then.

It's not for everybody though as some peeps recently separated or just don't have anyone right now. For them, Valentine's Day can get downright annoying.

Restaurants are all booked up, everyone's carrying around flowers, co-workers keep getting deliveries or they're going on and on about their plans for the evening.

If you're tired of the non-stop barrage of love songs, here are a few "Anti Love Songs" for your listening and viewing pleasure.

Break Up Bar Celebrates Its 3 Year Anniversary On Valentine's Day
Getty Images

Puddle Of Mudd on poor choices.

This Murmurs one cracks me up every time I hear it. Starts out slow and sappy then, it gets real.

I think everybody can feel Ugly Kid Joe on this one at some level, with somebody..

Bon Jovi's ode to a toxica.

Justin from Blue October has clearly had enough of this love.

Speaking of "this love", this song is downright angry ... and creepy ... but so cool. One of my all time favorite Pantera songs.

Take that Sinatra...

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