The young girl wounded by gunfire during Saturday's mass shooting in Odessa, Texas, has been released from Lubbock's University Medical Center after undergoing surgery.

Anderson Davis' mother, Kelby Giesler Davis, posted a Facebook update on the young girl's condition late Sunday night, revealing that the toddler had been discharged from UMC.

According to Mrs. Davis, surgeons focused on the shrapnel in Anderson's chest, as well as her face. A piece of bullet had struck the toddler during the Odessa shooting after it hit the vehicle the family was in, narrowly missing her son, Rhett.

"The pediatric surgeon cut open her chest to remove the bullet fragments that he could retrieve. There is still a piece of shrapnel in her chest that isn’t retrievable at this time, but shouldn’t cause her any issues. There are some very small pieces of shrapnel in her face that aren’t worth retrieving," she said in the lengthy statement.

"A wonderful pediatric ENT closed up the holes in her tongue and mouth and did what he could for her teeth," she added. Anderson's front teeth were reportedly knocked out when she was shot.

Mrs. Davis thanked everyone who had helped care for her daughter, including the AeroCare pilot who flew her via helicopter to UMC, as well as the staff at UMC and Midland Community Healthcare Services. She explained that the family has been overwhelmed by the support they've received so far.

"Garret and I have been able to somewhat process the generosity of love our community has show through prayers, texts, messages, calls, visits, etc. because we are accustomed to that," she wrote. "We have not, however, been able to process the monetary support that our community has provided. It will take some time for us to process generosity of this level, but please know that we are already in prayer of how we can be good stewards of these resources."

As of this story's publication, a GoFundMe account set up for Anderson and her family is approaching $200,000 in donations. Several more GoFundMe accounts have been set up for other victims of the mass shooting, including a Midland police officer.

You can read Kelby Giesler Davis' full Facebook post below.

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