2 In The Chest Concert Raising Money For Veterans Homes And Care
June 19th, a special concert takes place in El Paso to help veterans.
The Rockhouse Bar & Grill is hosting the Awareness Tours Monday, June 19th, featuring 2 In The Chest and The Dark Swap. The event's Facebook page says:
The Awareness Tours was designed to give homeless veterans the help they need by giving those Veterans that truly want help, a chance at making things better an opportunity to do so through short and long term temporary housing, physiological, psychological care, healthy nutrition and schooling is what the long term plans are for The Awareness Tours. No one want's to see anyone homeless, but when it is our heroes ZERO is the acceptable number.
A $5 donation at the door gets you in but, feel free to donate all that you can!! Money raised will be used to help veterans all over the country. If you can't make the show for some reason, you can also donate here. For more info, please visit the Awareness Tours website.