15 Years Later: Huntress Singer Recalls 9/11 In Twin Towers
Two years ago, Jill Janus from Huntress was in the National Geographic documentary “9:10: The Final Hours,” talking about the day before and the things that happened on 9/11.
Two years ago, the KLAQ Morning Show interviewed lead singer of Huntress Jill Janus, about her time living in New York during 9/11. Not only living in New York but also working in the Twin Towers as a DJ at a nightclub. She also discussed what happened in the direct hours and minutes following the tragedy, and what life was like for someone living in the city during this time. Sometimes people forget what its like for a national tragedy to happen to you, in your home. This interview was horrifying, shocking, enlightening and will haunt me for the rest of my life.
Every 9/11 I watch documentaries on the tragedy. Because I never want it to become a distant memory, or someone else's tragedy, or a mattress sale. I want it to be something that still scares me, makes me cry and remember all those who were affected. First responders, victims, military and more. Tragedies all over the world and so often people just beat an eye and switch the channel and block it out. Myself included. But maybe at least once a year, remembering this event that shook a nation will let these others tragedy be more real. And touch you a little more. Because it is closer than you think. And God Bless America and the world. Whoever your God may be.