First dates can be very awkward. Especially if it's a blind date. And what you order can make it even more awkward. Here is a list courtesy of Bro Bible of what to avoid.

Chicken hot wings and dipping sauce
Joe Belanger
  1. Hot Wings - This one I've known for awhile. You want to avoid any food you eat with your hands because it's messy. For the same reason, avoid ribs.
  2. Chili, or anything else that might give you gas - The date can be awkward enough, why would you want something that not only can make you uncomfortable with gas, but also might cause a squeaker later on.
  3. Anything too spicy - They say this is because it might cause more digestive issues or you could start sweating if it's too hot. This one is especially true for someone like me who suffers from acid reflux. It would make any conversation pretty difficult later on.
  4. Lobster and crab - Just like hot wings or ribs, they can be very messy. I'm adding a caveat to this one however, is it's okay to get crab like a crab cake, or even lobster tail. If you're paying, spend it.
  5. Fish that smells really fishy - This is pretty obvious. You don't want to assault the senses of your date, especially as a first impression.
  6. Spaghetti - Go with smaller noodles you won't have to slurp.
  7. An enormous burger - Going along the lines of the messy thing, and they can be difficult to eat. If you want to know how big the burgers are where you are at, just take a look around and check other's plates.

And an honorable mention brought to you by Buzz:

Americans Attend Christmas Party At U.S. Embassy In Baghdad
Getty Images

Steak - This has to do with how raw he likes his steaks. He actually had a date tell him it grossed her out how bloody his steak was. So I guess proceed with caution when it comes to steaks.

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