Vote For Your Favorite Concert Venue In El Paso
We've enjoyed watching all sorts of concerts at a few places here in El Paso. Of course, we have our favorite spot and a reason behind why it's our favorite.
I have a few places that I enjoy seeing my favorite bands and artists at. I also get a rush of excitement when I hear about an act performing at one of my favorite joints. One of my favorite places doesn't really hold major concerts but has held local music events like Music Under The Stars. The one concert I remember attending at Cohen Stadium was for The Beach Boys when I was five. Another favorite of mine would be the Don Haskins Center where I saw American Rapper G-Eazy about 2 years ago. The Sun Bowl was the perfect place for Guns N' Roses to perform at last year. My reasons behind these places being a favorite of mine would be for the easy parking and seating arrangements. The Abraham Chavez Theatre fits 2,500, Cohen Stadium 9,725, County Coliseum 5,250, Don Haskins Center 12,222, and Sun Bowl 51,500. Where do you prefer to see your favorite band or artist at in El Paso? Place your vote on who you think is the best concert venue in El Paso below!