UTEP Considering Tuition Increase
Tuition and fees at UTEP could be going up. This will be discussed at a forum tomorrow, (Tuesday), November 7th.
UTEP tuition and fees may be going up beginning with the 2018-2019 academic year. Student Affairs Vice - President Gary Edens told the El Paso Times:
"Tuesday’s forum is an opportunity for members of the campus community to get information and provide feedback." "UTEP’s final proposal is determined by a student-majority committee and will be submitted to the UT System in early December."
Edens added that UTEP offers the lowest tuition of all national universities and said an increase is needed to "retain faculty and ensure the quality of the educational experience.” (EP Times) Comparative tuition figures from UTEP show that:
"the average tuition and fees at UTEP for academic year 2016-17 were $7,348 compared with $9,677 at UT-San Antonio, $10,622 at Texas Tech University and $12,162 at UT-Dallas.
The meeting is at 2pm tomorrow, (11/7), and takes place in the University Suite of UTEP's Union Building East, Room 312.
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