The University of Texas at El Paso has made a pledge to season ticket holders regarding the 2020 - 2021 sports season.

Season tickets are now available for all University of Texas at El Paso sporting events and they come with a promise. "Paydirt's Pledge" is the universities promise to refund money if any and/or all sporting events are canceled due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

We are in an unprecedented time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as it relates to sports and live events. However, we are very optimistic about the 2020-21 athletics year and each of our sport seasons proceeding," UTEP Director of Athletics Jim Senter said.  "To provide our fans with peace of mind and the most flexibility possible, we're excited to offer this assurance plan. -

This new program is meant to ensure that, if cancelations related to the COVID-19 pandemic should occur, UTEP season ticket holders will not lose their money. If one or more home games are canceled, fans will get a prorated refund. If an entire season is canceled, fans will get a full refund. Should these refunds become necessary, fans have 3 options on how to handle them. They can take their money back, they can apply ithe money towards season tickets for next year or they can donate the money to the Miner Athletic Club.

The Miner's football season starts September 5th against Texas Tech, those season tickets start at $65. For other prices and more info, click here.  You can also order tickets by phone at (915) 747-UTEP.

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