Texas Man Tries 7-11 Espresso, Can Now Smell Words & Write Brilliantly
I'm a big fan of caffeine. Most Americans are. My first real experience with the intoxicating stimulant was while working two jobs and going to college, anyone remember NoDoz? At the time I was sleep deprived driving to and working in Carthage, TX, but I can still clearly recall my first time taking a couple of pills at work.
Thirty minutes after downing a couple of those tiny pills my whole life seemed laid out in front of me, I was barely 18, but I knew what I needed to do. I may or may not've even figured out how to solve world hunger. It was amazing. Then I got used to it.
For most of my 20s and into my 30s my favorite method of delivery: energy drinks. I drank Monsters by the case. A few years ago, as I began to realize just how much sugar I consume daily, I decided to give coffee a go.
While I still dance back and forth between sugar-free Red Bull and coffee, it's always exciting to get an unexpected jolt from an unusual or surprising delivery system. Like if I grab a Monster after months without one, the caffeine just hits harder.
Which it seems like what might be happening for my new favorite creative writer Chris Jones, who took to the Texas, Tx Rants Raves and Recommendations Facebook page after trying a 7-Eleven espresso for the first time.
Here's part of his experience:
Tired of burning through my afternoon Keurig stash in the morning, I decided to try espresso for the very first time. Me, being an overachiever, decided that my normal extra large was the right way to go. I do not regret this choice.
While this stuff tastes like a liquified version of the coffee grounds you might find at the bottom of the pot when you have erred in your personal coffee making, there is SO MUCH CAFFEINE. I can smell sounds now. Did you know that the word claim smells like Cool Ranch Doritos? Were you aware that the sound of a door opening smells like vanilla? And the sound of keys on a keyboard smells JUST LIKE freshly cut grass.
Also, I’m 99% sure that I can bench press a small house now. - Chris Jones
Same, Chris. Same. So, "open your third eye and unlock your super powers. Go get a mocha espresso from 7-11" as Chris recommends.
You know Mr. Jones' experience has got me thinking; I wonder if they sell NoDoz at this 7-Eleven? Might have to check on that, after all this time without it coursing through my veins, I just might remember how to solve world hunger.
That'd be good.