Texas Hunting And Fishing Licenses Go On Sale Tomorrow
If you are into hunting and fishing, you can buy your 2020 licenses starting tomorrow.
We Texans are a hunting and fishing bunch boy, buying several million licenses every year. The money raised from those licenses is used for a number of things including fish stocking, wildlife management, habitat restoration, and much more. (tpwd.texas.gov)
There are a number of ways to purchase your license(s) this year. You can buy them from certain retail outlets along with official Texas Parks and Wildlife offices throughout the state. If you choose to go to any of the TPWD offices personally, you will have to make an appointment, wear a mask and keep your dang distance. The El Pao office is located at 401 East Franklin, Suite 520, El Paso, TX 79901. Call (915) 834-7050 to schedule an appointment.
The quickest and easiest way to get one is probably to buy it online. According to the El Paso Herald-Post, there are other features available electronically to license holders:
Customers can also access their licenses in several ways: (1) an electronic photo of one’s license, (2) an emailed receipt from the license purchase; (3) one’s account in the online license sales system; (4) via License Lookup in the Outdoor Annual app or in the My Texas Hunt Harvest app. Hunters and anglers must still have a physical license for any activities requiring tags and stamps.
2020 has been a weird year but, hunting and fishing activities don't seem to be affected much by the pandemic. Participants are outdoors, trying to avoid each other period and the great outdoors in Texas offer plenty of room for social distancing.