One Texas City Has Been Deemed Perfect for Vampires
We all know the rules of vampires, right? They can't come in unless they're invited, they hate garlic, and, probably the most important one, they hate the sun! Which is why this list that names one Texas city as a perfect city for vampires sounds a bit confusing!
You may think because it's called the Bat City that the answer is Austin- you would be wrong. And although San Antonio has the largest bat colony in Texas- it's not the Alamo City either!
According to Lawnlove.com Houston, Texas has been named one of the best cities in the country for vampires.
It may sound counterintuitive for vampires to live in the South, but if shows like "The Vampire Diaries", "Interview With the Vampire" and "True Blood" have taught us anything, it's that Southern vampires are pretty hot- despite the whole sun thing.
LawnLove's list was actually created to encourage blood donations; they compared the 500 biggest U.S. cities based on five categories. They looked for cities with plenty of:
- warm bodies
- blood centers
- vampire friendly "dwellings" (casket suppliers, basements, etc.)
And they also considered community and entertainment factors and deterrents like sunshine and garlic festivals, which do exist!
Houston came in at number six on the list with an overall score of 44.24. I'm not entirely sure what that means, but you can check out the entire scoring system here. Either way, this was a great way to bring attention to a blood shortage.
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