June has been designated national foster a pet month and El Paso Animal Services is encouraging all who are able to take in a pet ... or two.

This option makes sense, to me, for a couple of reasons. One, it gives new pet owners a chance to "try 'em on" if you will. Don't get me wrong, it's not right to get a  pet into a happy situation and then, take it all away. They have feelings too. Some people though come to find that they are not ready to be a pet owner so, this is a chance to try it with no permanent commitment.

The pet gets a place to stay outside of a shelter, the human gets to see if it's right for them and, in the end, the pet and the human are ok. The pet is sheltered comfortably and, if it all works out, gets a forever home.  If it doesn't work out, the pet is at least properly sheltered and cared for as needed and, when the times up; it's with no guilt and ... most of all ... no abandoned animals.

I hate to see animals made unhappy, then happy, then unhappy again but there are so many that need a place better than "pet jail" to live.  Try it out. If they can't stay forever, they're ok for now at least. If they can stay forever; you'll both win.

For more details on fostering animals, contact El Paso Animal Services by phone at (915) 212-PAWS, visit them at 5001 Fred Wilson or, click here.




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