Tom Cruise Confirms The Rumors Are True About A Sequel For Top Gun 2Tom Cruise Confirms The Rumors Are True About A Sequel For Top Gun 2The rumors you have heard about a Top Gun 2 being made is confirmed to be true from Tom Cruise himself! Veronica GonzalezVeronica Gonzalez
Jim Carrey And Jeff Daniels To Film Sequel [VIDEO]Jim Carrey And Jeff Daniels To Film Sequel [VIDEO]I still think the first part was super funny.Yta von GYta von G
Wrath of the Titans Trailer. [Video]Wrath of the Titans Trailer. [Video]this looks wicked! I loved Clash of the Titans, one of my favorite movies. I can't wait for this flick to come out in march 3D. (fml)...oooh, i love that they use Manson's 'Sweet Dreams' in the trailer, very cool!Mardi GrasMardi Gras
Paranormal Activity 3 Trailer [Video]Paranormal Activity 3 Trailer [Video]I really thought the 1st movie sucked, but the 2nd actually gave me chills!! Watching the trailer for the 3rd has already given me nightmares!Mardi GrasMardi Gras