Slayer Meet & Greet Photos
Slayer 2019
On Sunday, May 5th, Slayer graced the Don Haskins Stage in El Paso, Texas. The legendary band gave a few minutes of their time to some lucky listeners to meet and greet them with their presence. So many people were nervous walking in but kept their cool, until they walked out of the room with Slayer. Our awesome KLAQ App Slayer Selfie contest winners shouted with joy once they walked out of the meet & greet area, which was great to watch. As well as our Amigo Beer Show winners, who gave a little shout themselves once the nerves calmed down.
We truly appreciate everyone who came out for the Slayer concert and those who participated in our contests. The concert was really one to remember and we were so glad we could share it with our fellow El Pasoans. Make sure you don't miss your next chance to score tickets and/or meet and greets with bands coming to El Paso by downloading the FREE 95.5 KLAQ app.