This is compiled mostly from the sub-Reddit 'Shower Thoughts' and from some of our own listener submissions (big props to listener Anthony Walker for his observation about Bambi and gender-appropriate names!)

Do our pets really love us or do they just have stockholm syndrome?

Is a female bullfrog a cow frog?

Anesthesia would be a really awesome stripper name!

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Getty Images

Why do baby clothes have pockets?

If Bambi was a boy deer (which he was) why do you only hear of girls who go by the name “Bambi”?

If the universe is infinite and expanding, what is it expanding into?

I’m going to name my next dog Peeve, so that I will literally have a pet Peeve

Getty Images
Getty Images

If the pen is mightier than the sword,why do actions speak louder than words?

How do they manage to handle the handicapped parking situation at the Special Olympics?

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