Imagine you've just heard your sister has passed away in a car accident. Now imagine that your friend, without a license, is driving you to be with your family miles and miles away. You're about 100 miles out when the lights flicker on behind you. You're getting pulled over. Oh, and you have an outstanding petty warrant out.

Sounds like a bad situation just getting worse, right? Well, not so. This happened to Mark Ross, and when he got pulled over, he was in for quite a surprise. As he puts it:

"I explained to the officer that my sister had died and that I needed to get to my mother asap. I broke down crying and he saw the sincerity in my cry. He REACHES OVER AND BEGAN PRAYING OVER ME AND MY FAMILY. He offered to bring me 100 miles further to Detroit because they towed the vehicle."

Sgt. David Robison of the Ohio State Highway Patrol was the man that drove Ross the 100 miles and will even be attending the funeral.

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