Package Thefts Continued To Rise In 2020, Were You A Victim?
The holidays are finally over, a new year has begun, and we're finding out just how many households were hit by porch pirates in 2020. Last year it was reported that 1 in 3 Americans would be a victim of porch pirates, according to the Daily Mail and a survey by C & R Research in 2019 found that over half the respondents (56%) say they know someone who had a package stolen. It's one year later and C & R Research looked again at package theft numbers in the U.S. and compared them to last year's numbers.
Due to the pandemic, we've seen more Americans shipping their household items and goods to their homes instead of buying them in person at brick and mortar stores. In fact, the number of Americans getting package deliveries at least once a week went up 10% from 49% to 59%. With more people getting weekly package deliveries at their home, C & R Research also found the number of package thefts rising. 43% of the Americans who responded said they have been a victim of some sort of porch thievery and almost two-thirds (64%) said they've been a victim more than once.
As more Americans are opting to stay home and shop online, the value of the items we're getting delivered is going up too. The average value of a stolen package is a whopping $136, but thankfully 81% of porch pirates victims said they were able to receive a refund for the stolen items.
Visit our article from last year on porch pirates to see what you can do to protect yourself and your items from being stolen, and read more about this year's survey from C & R Research by visiting their website.
- season: 1. Stayed home for delivery 2. In-store pick up 3. Installed doorbell camera 4. Shopped at stores 5. Requested signature for delivery.
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