Last week Bob Dylan was given the Nobel Prize for literature. However, the Swedish academy that gave him the award, can't seem to get a hold of him.

“Right now we are doing nothing,” said Sara Danius, the academy’s permanent secretary. “I have called and sent emails to his closest collaborator and received very friendly replies. For now, that is certainly enough.”

Dylan is the first song writer to receive the Nobel prize for literature, and it's still a wonder if he even knows he's won it. He hasn't publicly acknowledged the award yet. At this point he has a couple months to get in touch with the organizers because the award ceremony is happening on December 10th.

Some people were a little iffy on him winning the award but Buzz summed it up well yesterday, that the lyrics of a song are basically a poem that includes music with it. The lyrics ARE the literature part, and Bob Dylan is arguably the best writer, ever.

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