New Mexico is now the first state to ban "lunch shaming" kids whose parents are behind on their lunch payments.

On Thursday, New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez signed the "Hunger Free Students Bill of Rights" that bans schools and school districts from shaming out children whose parents are overdue on their lunch fees.

Lunch shaming has been recently been in the news, after a mother in Arizona complained that her child's wrist was stamped with the words "Lunch Money." The mother said her son was humiliated by the stamp and cried when he showed it to her when he got home. Other schools have been known to give children with delinquent accounts a cold cheese sandwich or have them do chores around the school to work off the debt.

 Now in New Mexico, students can't be given wristbands, stamps, forced to do chores or any type of punishment for being behind on their lunch payment. Read more about this story at the Huffington Post.

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