Motorcycle Run For Candlelighters Sunday
Sunday, roll for the kids in the 11th annual Candlelighters "run for the cure".
Sponsored by Bandidos MC, El Paso chapter, registration takes place Sunday morning, (7/30), at Barnett Harley Davidson beginning at 11am. $10 per person, all proceeds go to Candlelighters of El Paso.
The end party will be at VFW Post 6388, 9170 Cananea Lane, last bike in at 3pm. There you will find plenty to eat and drink, a mechanical bull will be set up for you to try and lots more. There will also be live entertainment from Bad Medicine, Midnight Mist and Fab4cezz. Come on out and help because "kids cannot fight cancer alone." If you can't make the ride, you can make a donation at the party!
For more info on this or any other biker/motorcycle related runs, events, shows, concerts or parties; follow the El Paso Motorcycle Coalition on Facebook.