Many federal workers are not being paid during the government shutdown and one local business is treating them to a bbq.

L & F Distributors is holding a bbq for furloughed federal workers who, for now anyway, have probably crossed "eating out" off of their to-do lists.  Times are hard for these workers whose money flow has been interrupted for who knows how long even though many are still going to work.  For FREE basically...  I hope there will be some form of payback for these people but, in the meantime, comes this very nice offer from L & F.

Date:  Wednesday – January 23, 2019
Location:  L&F Distributors, 6949 Market Ave., El Paso, TX                  
L&F recently partnered with Stella Artois to raise money for the El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank and they will be presented with a check for $5,000 at the bbq. Enough money to provide 35,000 meals throughout the El Paso community.

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