I've been talking about it on the air for a few weeks. It's Krav Maga out at Total Defense in El Paso. They also have jiu-jitsu and fitness at Total Defense, but for now I'm focusing on Krav Maga. It's a ton of fun and I look forward to every class.

What makes Krav Maga great? Let me count the ways:

  • It's a fun way to stay in shape.
  • You're learning something while staying in shape.
  • It has real world applications. Hopefully you never have to use Krav Maga in the real world, but it's designed to help you should you ever get into a difficult situation.
  • ANYONE CAN DO IT! Seriously, any age, gender, skill level, it doesn't matter. Just give it a shot.

You can find Total Defense in El Paso by Sunland Park and Doniphan. The contact info is:

  • 1060 Doniphan Park Circle Suite F
    El Paso, TX 79922
  • (915) 801-0588
  • Check them out online at realselfdefenseep.com

If you aren't in El Paso, try to look up a place near you that trains Krav Maga. It's well worth your time.


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