As Halloween approaches, the spirit of this spooky season isn’t just limited to trick-or-treaters and haunted house lovers!

Even the youngest members of the El Paso Children's Hospital are getting into the Halloween spirit and there is nothing spooky about the adorable photos you are about to see!

In a heartwarming display of resilience and hope, the Laura and Pat Gordon Advanced Level IV NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) babies are bringing joy and smiles to their families, staff, and the community by dressing up in adorable Halloween outfits.

Courtesy: El Paso Children’s Hospital
Courtesy: El Paso Children’s Hospital


For these tiny fighters, who have been facing health challenges from the very start of their lives, the chance to rock Halloween themed outfits isn’t just a precious photo op but a testament to their strength and the dedication of the hospital's exceptional care team.

The Laura and Pat Gordon Advanced Level IV NICU at El Paso Children’s Hospital is renowned for providing specialized care to the tiniest and most fragile patients. This Halloween celebration is more than just fun and games; it represents a moment of normalcy and joy for families whose lives have been filled with medical procedures, long hours by their babies' bedside, and an emotional rollercoaster.

Courtesy: El Paso Children’s Hospital
Courtesy: El Paso Children’s Hospital

As Halloween approaches, we're reminded that the spirit of hope and joy knows no age limit, and it can be found in the smallest and most precious of places. Brb, crying at how precious these little ones look!

Halloween NICU Babies


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