Are Witches Graves Of Texas Really Based In Truth Or Total Hoax?
I recently came across a post on social media referencing a "witch's grave" in Oklahoma. Being the curious individual I am, I decided to see what I dig up in the state of Texas. I stumbled across some very interesting stories that left me with a problem.
Are the witches graves of Texas really based in truth, or a total hoax?
What Are The Witches Graves In Texas?
Witches graves are exactly what they sound like...the grave of a witch. Supposedly, these burial sites are the source of many ghost stories and curses.
There are urban legends and folk tales all over the world about such places. That includes the Lone Star State. I was actually a little surprised to find some stories of witches graves in Texas.
Unfortunately, the stories don't really seem all that believable.
The Witches Tomb Of Weatherford, Texas
I'll start with the spooky story first, and then we'll dig into whether or not this is just a fantastic load of crap.
According to legend, of which there is more than one, this is the burial site of a witch. How this witch came to be buried here depends on who you ask.
Some say that this witch cast a love spell on a man to make him...well...fall in love with her. Unfortunately, the spell didn't end with her death.
Legend states that the man had the tomb built with a glass door and glass coffin so he could still see her beauty. Eventually, he went mad with heartbreak and climb into the tomb. He then sealed himself inside, ensuring an eternal rest with his "beloved."
Unfortunately, this is all a massive load of crap. The tomb is decorated with flowers because the guy buried there was head of the Crystal Mills Flowering Mills Company, according to people who live there and aren't just tourists looking for thrills on hallowed ground.
There were two people buried there (supposedly the bodies were later moved), like in the legend. Except it wasn't a witch and her lovesick puppy dog of a man. It was the head of that company and his daughter.
That doesn't stop people from idiotically going out there, though, to make YouTube videos and check out the "Witches Tomb."
It's a shame really. I'm big believer in giving the deceased their respect and peace. There's no reason for this kind of lunacy. Especially when you can just do a Google search for the correct info.
Stella's Hill In The Texas Panhandle
According to legend, at least this one, Stella's Hill is the site of another witch's demise. Supposedly, the townspeople got a little fed up with her witch shenanigans and decided to send her on her way into the hereafter with the help of a noose and a tree.
The supposed lore states that before she died, this witch put a nasty little curse on the town. The curse was twofold. All the babies would die, first. Then, all the people would move away.
This sounds like a big pile of witchy nonsense. Instead of being rooted in reality, it sounds like a way to explain the unfortunate demise of Plemons, Texas. Plemons is...was...a ghost town on what is now private land. One of the more infamous facets of Plemons, was what is known as the baby graves. I'll give you one guess as to how they got their name.
Witch's Grave In Liberty Hill, Texas
This grave is in an old cemetery, and it comes with a pretty standard witch's grave type story. A young girl was hung for practicing witchcraft. The witch took it personally, and laid down a big mean curse.
The source of the curse comes from what's written on her gravestone. It supposedly reads, "whoever passes over this grave will die as I died."
Also, legend has it that people who fooling around in that cemetery at night are visited by the apparition of the young girl, and the encounter doesn't necessarily end with you gaining a new friend.
What's interesting about this one, is that no one that I can find has actually seen that headstone. Instead, there are headstones with the classic "as you are now, so once was I" inscription.
Doesn't sound like a spooky slam dunk to me. Sounds more like artistic freedom used to scare the snot out of your buddies.
Please Leave These Sites Alone
I didn't put the names of most of the cemeteries in here because, frankly, I don't want to be party to anyone going out and disturbing those who slumber. In the case of the Weatherford, Texas site, I'm pretty sure it's pretty obvious this isn't a witch's tomb. So don't be dumb, and just leave it alone.
Again, I'm a big believer in honoring the dead and letting them get some peace. These stories are interesting and fun for campfires, but that's it. They're just stories. Not reasons to go disturb the innocent.