All of Texas knows that a tornado can hit ground at any time of the day. When it's tornado season and Texans have been instructed to remain weather aware, we all go to bed knowing that we could be woken up by tornado sirens.

Although, being home isn't the worst place to be when a tornado siren goes off. Unless you're in a trailer home, then you'll want to get out of there and seek shelter immediately.

National Weather Service
National Weather Service

But if you're not home and a tornado warning is issued, it can be scary because you have to know where to go for safety.

Where to go if you're traveling and a tornado touches down?

During tornado season, Texans are always paying attention to the weather. So if you're planning on traveling in the spring, it's best to check the weather before you make any travel plans. It can be extremely dangerous if you're out on the roads when a tornado strikes.

A lot of people's first instinct would be to seek shelter under an overpass, but this is actually the worst option. Overpasses do not provide safety from a tornado and puts you at a greater risk of being swept up with the debris.

National Weather Service
National Weather Service

Always have an emergency plan during tornado season.

Every household in Texas has an emergency tornado plan for their family. Some homes have tornado shelters or cellars, so that's where families take cover. Others may have an interior closet or bathroom where they take shelter. But if a tornado strikes when you're not home, you still need to have an emergency plan.

Where are all the worst places to be during a tornado?

We've mentioned some of the obvious worst places to be during a tornado - in a mobile home, driving - but there are other not-so-great places to be during a tornado. Some of them are humorous, but it can happen. Check them out below!

Worst Places To Be During A Tornado

There are obvious worst places to be during a tornado - in a mobile home, driving - but there are other not-so-great places to be during a tornado. Some of them are humorous, but it can happen.

Gallery Credit: Kaley Patterson

Things You'll Need in Your Oklahoma Tornado Prep Kit

Even though the odds of your life being affected by a tornado are extremely thin, there's no harm in being prepared with basic necessities. Even if the storm misses your home you could still find yourself without power or water for days to weeks. Here's a quick rundown on the basics every home should have for tornado season in Oklahoma.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

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