Here in Texas, we've experienced heat as we've rarely seen in the past from how early it came to multiple days of 100+ temperatures. It's gotten so hot that you can't even jump in the pool to cool off as the water is too hot as well.

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People are mowing their lawns earlier and earlier just to avoid the heat. Construction crews do the same, as do many other outside jobs. So, it's kind of alarming that we take all these precautions with the heat, but still leave our pets outside all day.

I did a little research and it seems some dog owners are breaking the law by leaving their pooches out in this heat.

Is it Illegal to Leave Your Dog Outside in This Extreme Texas Heat?

Well, according to the Unlawful Restraint of a Dog Bill, it is illegal to tether dogs outdoors during extreme weather events and temperatures. Some of those weather events include heat advisories, freezing temperatures, tornado warnings, and hurricanes.

The law goes on to state that dogs can't be left outdoors, unattended, without proper shade from the direct sunlight and water. When tethering a dog, the restraint can't be less than five times the length of the dog.

If you fail to follow the above law, then you could be subject to a fine of up to $500 and in today's economy, none of us can afford that. So, take care of your pooch before the popo knocks on your door.
Thirsty dog
Getty Images/iStockphoto

Basically, if you must leave your dog outside, then give him plenty of shade/protection and water. If he's on a leash, then make sure he has enough length to access said shade and water.

If you see something, say something...and that goes for dogs tethered outdoors in this heat. Call Abilene Animal Services dispatch at 325-698-0085 or report the violation using Abilene's SeeClickFix app.

Two Boston Terriers panting in a wading pool
Getty Images/Big Cheese Photo RF

One way to truly take care of that pooch of yours is to treat him/her to a night on the town. Abilene has quite a few dog-friendly restaurants that should command your attention.

LOOK: Dog Friendly Restaurants in Abilene

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