Hi! It’s Nico Adjemian writing Buzz’s blog today!

Did you know October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month? Well, you should! It’s the reason football players wear pink gloves and headbands and crap for the entire month.

Here are some true factoids about breast cancer from, me, Nico Adjemian: actual medical professional.

  • One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.
  • 268,000 U.S. women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019 alone.
  • For men, 2,600 new breast cancer diagnoses will be made in 2019.
  • Men’s lifetime risk of having breast cancer is 1 in 888. For women…it’s 1 in 8!
  • Two of the most important ways we can all fight breast cancer are 1.) know the symptoms and 2.) get and encourage others to get regular screenings.

For more information you should go to https://www.breastcancer.org/ or https://ww5.komen.org/.

OR…you can learn how to do a self-breast exam by watching the following video. In it, I…Nico Adjemian, medical professional…demonstrate to co-workers how to do a self-breast exam.


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