H-E-B’s Original Cola Can’s Design Has Some El Pasoan’s Offended
El Paso has been growing and getting recognition over the years. If you saw the state of Texas on a product with the tip of Texas aka El Paso cut off, how would you feel?
Well, a Reddit user Grumpallnight had obviously felt bothered about the design of a cola product from H-E-B. If you ever visit an H-E-B store in the future be sure to check out their Original Cola cans design, but if you can't or don't plan on traveling anytime soon, just look above this story at the image.
H-E-B's Original Cola can's design has the state of Texas.
Well, partially.
They actually had the nerve to leave the city of El Paso or as some like to call it "Just the Tip" out. I can honestly say I agree with the Reddit user's frustration who shared the picture of the cola can.
Another Reddit user had made a funny but true comment about how maybe that's why there are no H-E-B stores here in El Paso. Even though we continue to hear rumors of them possibly coming into town.
I think some other people would feel the same way if their city was excluded from being a part of an item. We kind of have always been excluded, so it is really a surprise?
I would like to know how YOU feel about H-E-B's cola can design in the poll below.