Former El Pasoan, Legendary Drummer Charlie Quintana Dies
He played with many people and touched an uncountable number of lives. Now, he's gone.
Charlie, "Chalo", Quintana was one of El Paso's brightest and most successful stars. He started out in a band called The Plugz and eventually really broke through with The Cruzados and their hit "Motorcycle Girl". (Sidenote, The Cruzados also featured Tito Larriva.)
After The Cruzados, Charlie went on to play and record with a laundry list of stars including ex Guns and Roses guitarist Izzy Stradlin, (Izzy Straflin & The Ju Ju Hounds), Joan Osborne, Bob Dylan, Cracker, Agent Orange and more. He also spent about 10 years behind the kit with Social Distortion.
Charlie once told me a very interesting story about himself. Being a drummer, your legs and feet are, obviously, very important. Charlie was born with an abnormality known as "club foot". He could barely walk, let alone play but, his love for music was stronger than his problem. He worked and sweated and bulled his way through to not only overcome his issue but to become one of rocks premiere ... and most sought after ... drummers! He was truly an inspiration. (His business cards listed his occupation as "Paradiddle Practioner" which still cracks me up.)
Charlie was a good friend and no matter where he lived, he always held a deep love for El Paso. He will forever be one of the brightest spots in El Paso's rich local music history as well as rock history in general.
Farewell my friend, rest in peace.