It feels like people are angry no matter what the government does. We get calls and messages from people in El Paso who are angry that the government is doing too much and they're infringing on everyone's rights. On the flip side, we have people who believe the government isn't doing enough and need to lock down more to prevent the numbers from continuing to go up.

Well, no matter what side of the fence you're on, the government does have an obligation to assess the situation. And right now, it looks like the government is going to be more. Well, sort of. 

In a 9-hour city council meeting, there was a few options that were debated. City representative Peter Svarzbein was pushing for restaurants and bars to shut down dine-in service for 2 weeks so we can get the numbers back down. That motion was ultimately shot down. Mayor Dee Margo argued against the motion saying that local governments were limited because of orders from Governor Greg Abbott. There was something that did get a unanimous vote. Increasing the fines from $500 to $1000 for businesses that fail to comply with local health orders.

If you believe that the government needs to back off and shouldn't treat the citizens like children, stop acting like a child. Seriously, it's that simple. The same people that piss and moan that the government is infringing on their rights, are the same ones going out without masks, not keep their distance, and end up spreading COVID-19.

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