If you're hosting a Halloween party this year these creepy yet crafty ideas will help bring on quite a scare! These creepy ideas won't cost you and arm and leg since most of these props you can get at your local dollar store.

You can tell the woman is quite festive when it comes to throwing a Halloween party. The Domestic Geek will show you how to create and put together your Halloween decor for your party. If you will be serving appetizers, you should consider using cheese just to place a few fake rats near. Another cool decor is using mason jars to place skeleton body parts inside. You don't have to use tea like she does and can actually use food coloring for a bloody display. If you think decorations don't matter, you're wrong! Having cool creepy decorations will have your guests amazed and taking tons of pictures. Everyone loves to attend those Halloween parties with creepy looking snacks and decorations.

These Halloween tips will not only save you some money but also give off that freaky feel!


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