Burrowing Owls in the El Paso Area Need Your Help and Protection
There are rare owl species that need our help in order to keep them around longer. The El Paso Water and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department need our help to protect rare owl species in our community. El Paso is home to one of the rarest owl species known as burrowing owls. Burrowing owls usually hang around agricultural areas, grasslands, deserts, and dry areas with low vegetation. The burrowing owl's population is slowly declining but we can help put a stop to that. My daughter and I love owls more than anything and also want to help keep these little guys around. There is a way to help keep the most important bird species around for a longer period of time. The El Paso Water and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department have partnered together to also help keep the bird population from declining.
The El Paso Water and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department would like to build a habitat for the owls. The El Paso Water Company had discovered owls living in pipes during a construction project they were working on. After the El Paso Water saw where the burrowing owls had been living is when they teamed up with Texas Parks and Wildlife to give owls a better home. They would also like our help, which is to continue to keep protecting their species. We can help the owls in our community by keeping them safe from harmful people. Earlier this summer two owls were found dead due to gunshot wounds. The way we can help the owls remain safe is by reporting people who are trying to harm them. I hope our community can help protect the owls from any harm since they're vital to our environment's atmosphere.