Bungie Hands Off Halo Franchise and Shares Insane Stats About the Series
Was there any question on the popularity of the Halo series? Bungie, makers of the Halo franchise, just released stats from the series that claims that over 20 billion Halo games have been played over 85 million days. So says this infographic that Bungie released to celebrate their achievements with the game and to hand over the series that made the game developers famous.
Last summer, Bungie announced they were transferring this enormous amount of data to 343 Industries, the new heads of the franchise, and they’re finally done. Bungie will no longer be involved with the live stats from the series but they’re going to keep the historical data on their servers.
Some of the data is truly staggering. For example, there have been over 136 billion kills in the game, 16 billion more people than estimated to have ever lived on Earth. All this happened over an estimated 2 billion hours of playtime. There’s also some interesting stats about the most popular weapons in each game and the most frequently earned medals. (Hint- people really like punching.)
The chart is massive so click here to see the whole thing.
[Via Bungie]