Black Friday Shopping Alternative
Today marks the "official" start of the Christmas shopping season and some people have been in line for days already. Here's a better idea...
I was going to call it Sunny Saturday but, then I saw this already has a name - Small Business Saturday. (I like mine better.) The Downtown Art and Farmers Market has been doing Small Business Saturday since 2010. It's a great way to support local businesses and find unique and special gifts, without having to camp out or battle your way to them.
The market is on Anthony Street in the Union Plaza Entertainment District and takes place Saturday from 10am - 2pm. According to the El Paso Herald Post:
The market will be filled with many gift options from paintings and upcycled décor to pottery, handmade scarves, jewelry, and other winter accessories. In addition, children can enjoy a free “make and take” shop small themed craft.
Market food cottage vendors will be taking orders for holiday treats and desserts. Be sure to stop by the food truck garden to sample specialty cuisine and beverages.
Beats fighting some old lady over a toaster, huh??