If Your Texas DL Expires In 2023, You Better Start Renewing Now
While tons of licenses will expire this year, not everyone has to actually show up to complete the renewal process. Those who do need to start ASAP.
Thanks to a ton of new people moving to Texas and a huge backlog in driver license renewals sparked by the pandemic, getting an appointment with the Texas DPS is slow going in 2023.
Here are the steps for renewing or replacing your Texas driver license.
If you need an appointment with DPS, you may have to wait 2 months or longer. A very limited number of "day of" appointments are offered each day but getting one is rough.
The Star - Telegram described a typical day at a Fort Worth DPS office this way:
They started to line up around 3 a.m., illuminated by street lights and cell phones outside the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Fort Worth Mega Center, near the intersection of Eastchase Parkway and Brentwood Stair Road. Facing 40-degree weather on this October morning, some huddled under blankets while others layered themselves in puffy coats.
That doesn't sound like much fun so, I'm already trying to set up my appointment and my license won't expire until July.
This applies to license renewals, state to state license transfers and new license or state ID cards. Many folks who are not facing expiration/replacement/etc, will still have to go through the process this year because of new requirements.
As of May 3rd, 2023, a new license type will be required for travel within the U. S. and for access to certain federal places. It's part of the REAL ID act which went into effect in 2016.
If you renewed or received a license since then, you're probably ok. Just look and see if your license has a gold star in the upper right hand corner.
If not, you need to:
- Apply for a new license here
- Make a DPS appointment here
- Gather the necessary documents
Learn more here. If you are renewing from outside Texas, click here.
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