This is pretty much directed at politicians but, I hope everyone reads it and takes the one simple step requested.

Workers in the live events industry were among the first to be sidelined by the COVID-19 pandemic and seem certain to be the last called back to work. In the meantime, they are pretty much all out of work and many ... most actually ... have lost 100% of their income. Here in El Paso, local bands, venue owners and staff are intermingled with musicians and crew members who travel the world with national acts and they are all suffering. Not to mention local venue owners who were forced to close and layoff their staff. This industry and those who make it happen desperately need some assistance and that is why they are asking the government to pass the RESTART ACT which has currently stalled in its trek through Congress.

This part is aimed at politicians. According to a "Call To Action" letter posted at

The live event industry in North America directly employs more than 12 million people and includes hundreds of thousands of businesses with a combined economic impact of over $1 trillion USD. This likely includes someone you know, are close to, or it may even include you. If WE do not receive government assistance the live events industry will literally collapse, including all of the people involved.

The number of those votes that representatives could garner depends on their areas and their population but, a Presidential candidate whose party does something to make this happen could theoretically win all 12 million of those people over. Hmm....

I hope that fact, if not the plea and genuine need for help itself, gets Congress to pay attention. As for regular folks like you and I, here's what we can do. Reach out to your representatives and urge them to do all they can to pass the RESTART ACT. 

Learn more about how you can help here and please, take action soon. For info on Texas' representatives, click here and for El Paso's rep, click here..

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