5 Things You Don’t Need To Get Right Now For Back To School
The 2020-2021 school year has been far from normal, which has led many students to wonder what they really need right now for school.The majority of the Borderland's school districts are still holding classes for students through distance-learning which means students aren't attending in-person classes. There are many obstacles to this new normal we are living in, with many families trying to figure out what they need or don't need to purchase for the school year. Thankfully, many teachers and schools give students and their families a list of items they will need to purchase for their at-home learning set up. The usual school supplies will be needed for this year like pencils, pens, notebooks, folders, binders, and more, but what about those items that you normally don't see on a school supply list?
If you are a parent shopping for your kids this school year, or a student trying to figure out what you need for the start of this school year, we're here to help. And by help, we're just guessing. No one really knows exactly what you need and don't need right now. Except that you're doing a great job- parents, students, teachers, everyone. You're all doing the best you can with the really terrible cards the year 2020 has given us. Some families are flourishing under the virtual learning, while others are treading water, and then there are some who cry everyday trying to just make it through. Just remember to be nice to each other while we all are trying to figure this virtual learning out. Or until we can hopefully return to the classrooms safely.