There's ways that I know Christmas is soon. First, my mom starts cleaning like crazy which roughly translates to: I have to start cleaning like crazy. Second, my mom starts stocking up on food. She gets the masa for the tamales, the meat, and basically everything to ensure we're full on Christmas eve. Then to top it off, my mom likes to blast music while she cooks and cleans. The music is my cue that Christmas is coming! As Spanish speakers, we not only listen to English Christmas songs, we listen to the Spanish ones that are famous around the holidays. If you too are Hispanic I'm sure you've heard these once or twice! We're taking it back to Christmas 1993 at the Barbacoa house!



  • 1

    Los Peces En El Rio


    This is a banger! Played at every Barbacoa family Christmas celebrations! Also, check out that hair and style! Totally looks like all my cousins when I was younger!

  • 2

    Campana Sobre Campana


    Iconic. Yuri is like Mexican Kylie Minogue and this song has all the makings of a Christmas icon!

  • 3

    Mi Burrito Sabanero

    Totally catchy. I don't even mind the little kid voice. Also, I was 29 years old when I found out that the burrito is an actual donkey and not the food kind of burrito!

  • 4

    Donde Esta Santa Claus?

    Augie Rios

    Again, I don't even mind the little kid voice! This is one song I don't mind hearing with both Spanish and English words! People like to think that "Feliz Navidad" is the ONLY song we enjoy in both languages, pero no. This one is better.

  • 5

    Navidad Sin Ti

    Los Bukis

    My mom LOVES Marco Antonio Solis so this song is a MUST! Also, side note, am I the only one who always thought Marco Antonio looks like Jesus?

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